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Availability of Life Insurance with No Medical Exam

You really don’t have to worry so much about how your loved ones will manage after you pass away because you are suffering from a medical condition that prevents you from getting a life insurance policy. You can now avail of cheap life insurance no medical exam from various insurance providers in different states.


You will be able to select the length of your term and the coverage amount that can reach up to $500,000. Terms can be from five to thirty years providing the peace of mind and protection you need.

How to Get the Policy


Obtaining a no medical exam life insurance can be done by answering some questions that will help insurers determine your eligibility for a policy. You can visit some websites of insurance companies which provide this type of insurance and request for quotes without any charge.As not all insurers have the license to operate in every state, you must enter your zip code and this will help you find a company that can sell you a life insurance policy based on your state.


Dealing with the Specifications of the Process


Once you apply for no medical life insurance, you will have to answer questions that can include your occupation, age, gender and whether or not you are a smoker. There are some companies that might ask you if you have been a user of tobacco products for the past twelve months.

Answering every question honestly is imperative although you will not be talking to a representative personally. For instance, if you have answered that you don’t smoke though you actually do, and you die during your policy term because of smoking, the insurance company will not give any pay out to your beneficiary. Moreover, a number of insurers that offer this kind of life insurance also ask about your work. The reason for this is that some occupations are too risky that people tend to lose their life often at work. This could impact your eligibility to get an insurance policy even if you are healthy.

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